Driver Safety: What to Expect After a Car Accident

What to Expect After a Car Accident

Even the most cautious driver may find themselves in a collision at one point or another. Car accidents have the potential to cause physical, emotional, and financial stress, especially if you don’t know what to expect after being involved in one. Having a plan can help alleviate the stress of what to expect after the unexpected happens and get you back behind the wheel sooner than later.

What to Expect Directly After a Car Accident

Even a minor accident is likely to leave you feeling shaken. Understanding what to expect after a car accident can help you prepare for and be clear-minded in case an accident occurs. 

Focus on safety first

Assess the situation to determine if moving your vehicle could cause more significant injury. If your car is causing a traffic obstruction and you can safely move it, pull it over to a safe location near the accident site.

If anyone involved was injured, call 911

Calling 911 as soon as you’re safely able to allows drivers to report the accident and promptly request medical help if needed.

If you have determined everyone is safe, call the police and make a report. Depending on the municipality, the police may not send a patrol unit to the scene if both vehicles are drive-able.

Gather information at the scene

Gather the names and insurance information of anyone involved in the accident. Obtain the other drivers phone number, driver’s license number, insurance information, plate number as well as the Vehicle ID number.

If witnesses have stopped to help, take down their names and numbers in case you need them later. If your phone has a camera, use it to take pictures of the damage to document the scene.

Call your insurance company

Call your insurance company to notify them of the accident so they can make a report. If your insurance company offers towing services, request a tow if you cannot safely drive your vehicle. If you’re ever unsure of your vehicle safety, err on the side of caution and have your car towed to a reputable repair shop immediately.

Choosing a Reputable Repair Shop

Your insurance company may recommend a repair facility, but drivers can still take their vehicles to their preferred shop for repairs. Do your homework before committing to a repair shop to ensure they are reputable and have the training and experience to repair your vehicle properly. Consider checking reviews and the shop’s website for any certifications that may set them apart. For example, Pole Position Auto Body is I-Car Gold Class Certified, which means they have the tools and training to spot hidden damage after accidents and repair modern vehicle models.

About I-Car Gold Class Certified Facility, Pole Position Auto Body

Pole Position Auto Body is an I-CAR Gold Class Certified facility that’s been repairing Metro Detroiters’ vehicles for over 3 decades. We follow all OEM procedures and utilize the current technology and repair techniques to return your car to its pristine, pre-accident condition. We understand your time is valuable and provide safe, high-quality repairs in the fastest turnaround time possible, typically 3 days sooner than the average repair facility!

Call Pole Position Auto Body: 586-775-4825 Where Excellence is a Habit, Not an Act!